Suicide: I’ve Lost A Man I Loved To Depression
A man I loved as a dear friend has died by suicide. He was suffering with depression. He suffered alone. Didn’t reach out to his friends. To the many who knew and loved him, it’s come as a complete shock.
This Man I Loved...
... was called Laurence Brown. I loved him because he was so full of life and generous of spirit. He spent his life working as a coach; helping and motivating people. He brought people from the depths of despair and cheered them on until they felt better about themselves. He made it his life’s mission to give of himself.
Depression seems to have taken a hold. It crept up silently. And took him.
I first met him nearly 15 years ago. If you met him, you’d never forget him. He wore the brightest clothes you could imagine. A big toothy smile. He had a way of leaving you feeling inspired and feeling good about yourself. Charisma and warmth just emanated...