So, our passion and reason we do this? It’s all about our community and how much we care about it.

You’ve already read a bit about who we are and our passion for talking therapy. However, our passion also lies in ‘bringing therapy to the high street’. We feel that seeking therapy should sit alongside where you go for your medical, social and sporting needs. Just like you go to your local GP, coffee shop or gym.

Mental well-being is the foundation of getting the most out of your life. So why should it be relegated to something no-one talks about openly or actively participates in?

We’re not saying you should be telling everyone you’re going to therapy!

But what if there was a coffee morning people in the community could pop in to for a quick chat?
What if the people hosting the coffee morning were trained counsellors?
What if they were able to offer support – a listening ear, alleviation from loneliness, a friendly smile and a coffee & cake – FOR FREE?

Let’s Give Back to Our Community

Image saying there's no such thing as a small act of kindness

Our ‘hearts & minds’ idea is to offer coffee mornings to people in our local community. People who would otherwise not be able to afford counselling or psychotherapy due to their income or circumstances. We want to reach young mums, young men, pensioners and anyone in the community who feels excluded or disenfranchised. It’s great to offer a service where all of the community get the opportunity to enter a therapeutic space. No frills and no commitment other than be willing to engage in some chat.

We have committed to funding these coffee mornings ourselves. We’re aiming to find a space to do this regularly; with a view to encouraging other local therapists to donate their time to hosting special themed discussions (for example on self-care, mindfulness and mediation techniques).

Ultimately, our aim is to offer individual counselling – initially 6 free, funded sessions – to some of these individuals as part of paying back to our community.

So would you like to ‘Pay It Forward’? If you would, do please contact us to arrange your donation.